Chris Claxton's Blog

A place to read about various things related to software development and technology

I have recently switched over to using Webpack as my front-end build tool of choice. I had previously used Gulp with Aurelia projects before webpack was a thing. I was hoping that the learning curve with Webpack would be easier and the configuration easier to read and understand...

TL:DR — Use web...

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Serving an Aurelia app from a subpath off the root of an MVC app is an interesting idea, this way we can have the index page and other pages as standard server generated pages that are easily discoverable and parsable by search engines but still provide an SPA component for other purposes such as a...

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I wanted to get an Aurelia app to run from a subpath off the root of an MVC app, I started from the repo I created which is linked in my previous post. This proved to be a bit more difficult than I originally anticipated due to encountering a number of issues (or limitations depending on your point...

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